

Its not how much money you have today , its how much money you have tomorrow. I can not feel sorry for guys that spend a bunch of money on a dream that is in most cases are way out of their reach on their income they are making. They get caught up in the Mopar Muscle flexing club. Then loose their job. Not their fault. With the way this country is going we all may end up with race cars and muscle cars for sale.

just about anyone who loses a job would be in the same fix these days. has nothing to do with building their dream. you have to live your life and enjoy it while you can. there may be no tomorrow. I don't know how many friends I have seen lately passing away and guess what they couldn't take any of it with them. [/quote

Build your dream with the income you have and get to enjoy it before you die or loose your income. I too have lost friends. One had a car he was building to race in KOS.This was years ago. Never had just enough money to finish the car right,but the car was way good enough to race for the fun of it. Died of brain cancer and his son sold the car for half of what the car was worth.
If I loose my income tomorrow? I would find something to make money. With the way I race I don't owe a dime to no one for the race car. Budgit bracket car. So the car could sit and cost nothing. I bought alot of new never used parts or used parts that was not right for their combo from guys that got in over their heads trying to keep up with the Mopar click.

If the MODS did their job I would not be hitting the notify MOD button. LOL