
I'm just trying to get back in their good graces, so that they might consider putting me back in their will!
So I just went out in my 40 degree garage and crawled around in my Challenger convertible and the only decal I found is this one, I'm guessing it's (notice my correct English!)not correct and now it's(once again!) my turn to get edumacated?

Hi Brad,
Make sure you tell your Parents that I said "Merry Christmas" and keep up the good work! They just taught me NEVER to violate one of their "pet peeves" EVER again.

I am pretty sure that the decal you posted is also a reproduction. Notice how the "M's", "N's" and "W's" are bolder looking than the rest of the text. That is usually a tell tale sign that it was printed in an offset manner and the ink was set too heavy. If you guys can come up with original examples and provide correct dimensions, I will be happy to reproduce them correctly. Ola is going to provide the size for the one he posted earlier today. I have also been in contact with Ken H concerning some of these decals. (Thanks Ken!) Someone had sent me a version that I know was not original and I did not want to make an incorrect copy from an incorrect copy. Keep me posted!