It is what I like to call a " tax cut "
The money has to come from somewhere , and they aren't going to cut budgets as long as they can come up with the revenue.
It is like a dysfunctional family budget.
The plant cut the overtime months ago , but Ma and Pa still keep going to the movin picture shows every Friday and Saturday night like nothing has changed.
My experience with enforcement in a commercial vehicle spans nearly 30 years and the one thing you can count on is inconsistency.
I have had enforcement officers argue at the back of my trailer over what the law means.
And I have had senior officers give young Pups the " I'd like a word with you " finger motion right before they told me to have a nice day and sent me on my way.
But the one change that I have noticed in the last few years is the run towards the wallet.And I have a 725.00 ball point pen courtesy of South Dakota to prove it.
In their defense , I was overweight on the trailer.
In mine , the same fine in North Dakota is less than 100.00