
Feel your pain.
Probably will put a bigger crimp on everybody.
Eventually gov will regulate all of us out of existance.

These rules Rick posted are not new, they have been in place for many years.

Every so often they(DOT) will publisize these rules to make people aware of them.

So I don't think the "gov" will run us off the road anytime soon.

BTW...I trailered 17000+ miles this past summer and did not get hasseled.
Yea my truck is huge, but I also cranked over 100K miles on 2 dualies before I bought a toterhome. And was never pulled over in all those years, swear.

Quick story, one Sat night we pulled out of Bunker hill drag strip in Kokmo Ind. We turned left on RT 31 I think and headed south. 11 at night and this road is 2 lanes each way with a grass mediam in the middle. I'm in my dualie and a 40' enclosed trailer behind me. The speed limit is 55 and there are intersections with traffic lights!
I approach one and the light turns yellow, I attemp to stop my rig but it was pushing me right through the intersection on red. 1st car at the cross street is a cop, sure enough he pulls out with his lights on and I pull over. Get my license and reg out and we are sitting there and he never comes up the the window.

We start looking and he pulled the guy over behind me, who was tailgating me through the intersection! I threw it in drive and took off saying if he wants us he'll come after us which he never did.That was the closest I have ever been to being pulled over pulling a trailer.

Last edited by Challenger 1; 11/03/10 07:07 PM.