Earlier this year, late one night, I was coming home from a weekly bracket race in Gainesville and had to go through a police roadblock in Palatka, FL the locals set up at a weigh station. DOT was there too. The local cop asked for the usual stuff: license, registration, insurance.....and CDL . Also asked what I had in the trailer and where I was going. After I told him it was a race car, he forgot about me not being able to find my insurance card at the moment, started spewing out stuff like "Truck is tagged for 19,999, trailer GVW is 12,000 - 31,999, that's way over a CDL requirement. !" He had to be a rookie as he started acting like a little kid who just found the top prize in an Easter egg hunt - seriously! So he instructed me to pull forward and to the side where the DOT people were. The DOT guy asks what 's going on and I start to explain. Then the rookie runs up with a "look what I got, look what I got " attitude. The DOT guys asks a few more questions, including if I'm a business, or something to that affect. Needless to say, I say "No sir!". The rookie kept trying to explain things to the DOT guy. I started to try and explain that the rookie was way off base and why, but after the DOT guy gave back my papers and waved me forward twice, I got the hint, said "Thank you, sir!" and went on my way.

What I'm trying to say is that there are officers out there who are misinformed, as well as some that want to nail someone no matter what. Luckily, the DOT guy was very reasonable and understanding.

My rig is a 2004 Dodge Quad Cab dually with a 26' tag Pace trailer. Just a few small racing decals on the lower sides.
I weighed it at a truck stop with as much equipment and fuel as it could carry and it came in between 19,000 and 19,500 lbs. FL law says tag needs to cover combined truck and trailer weight, so with a 19,999 tag I'm plenty "safe". Never been pulled over otherwise. When I went through an Agriculture station and weigh station in FL shortly after getting the enclosed trailer, the guys there gave me a dirty look and waved me on! Never stopped at another one.

What's ironic is that you hear about enclosed trailers, some plain and some decaled-up, getting pulled over from time-to-time. But I have yet to hear about a guy towing an open trailer with decals and advertising plastered all over his race car in plain view for everyone to see getting pulled over!