The guy that built the tranny just dropped it off. He said that he took the pump out checked everything out and put a new pump in.He said the pump that was in it was just fine it was just stuck. He said he put the new pump in so he could be sure I wouldn't have any problems. If it stops raining tomorrow (I'm working outside because I have my Roadrunner in the garage in bare metal) I will put the tranny in and see how it works and let you guy know. Johny Mac I never ran nitrous in this motor and I only raced it a couple time on the streets ( yea I know ). He cleaned and went completely through the tranny and he replaced my 3500 rpm stall converter with a new one. The new converter has the anti ballooning plate also. If this tranny works for 5,000 or 10,000 miles I'll be happy. I don't think he will do another tranny for me but I will be happy that this didn't end up in court.