
Well ....knock me over with a feather .... ole C S is here !!!

Come on now ...the eye-ball "test" can sure give you the quick basics

What's up doc?

It's always a pleasure to talk oil with you. Anyway help clearify if you would...

I can't read through this text communication as to if your are you joking or not? Do you really believe in some sort of "eye-ball test"?


Someone I know is going to ___ me but I just checked my last THREE changes(as far as mileage) .... and this opened-my-eyes ....

4246, 5464 and ..... 9016

...and the last two did not really need a change ... I just felt my little 4 banger 5 speed Caravan deserved some fresh-oil.

Also, you're listing mileages of your last three oil changes, correct? How did you know the last two did not need a change? And did something happen with the fist oil change that it needed changed sooner?

AKA, ole C S