Still no 10s, but how about 11.02?
For now, it's close enough for me

It was a 45 minute drive in the GTX to Lapeer from my new place. I liked that alot compared to the 90 minute drive I used to have to Milan (which is now worse than before, at 110 minutes). I still don't have a trailer but decided no tire changing at the track....too hot I just drove there easy on the QTPs and front runners I put on last night.

Ran from 11 to 2 o clock, got four runs in.

As far as conditions...Temp was 85 degrees, Mike said D/A was 2200 feet. Humidity was decent at 50%. Too hot for my blood, but other than that a great day to be out. If it wasn't for Mike's awning and SPF 60, I'd look like a cherry frosted donut though.

First run after a 4 year hiatus was supposed to be an easy check out pass, but once I got in the water box, I kinda said "screw it". Not knowing the lay of the land too well, though, I lifted after the et beams to learn the shutdown area a bit.

As it turned out I was racing a neighbor of mine who lives less than 1/2 mile away, in a 9 second camaro, although I wasn't sure who he was at the time. He redlighted.
I think it was his first pass of the day too....

r/t .842 (rusty)
60' 1.603 (decent, not where it needs to be, but...)
594ft 6.629
1/8ET 7.067
1/8MPH 98.36
1/4ET 11.02
1/4MPH 118.59 (result of lifting)

Cooled off for quite awhile and shot the breeze with the Moparts guys. Next run dropped tire pressure, and decided to run it out the back door...I knew the return roads, didn't like the 118mph and decided to fix that. Tire pressure, as it turns out, didn't make much difference but I wasn't super worried about it, and decided to just relax and drive the car for whatever it'd give me.

r/t .617
60' 1.654
594ft 6.701
1/8ET 7.159
1/8MPH 98.25
1/4ET 11.08
1/4MPH 4.02 (equipment error I guess)

I wasn't happy with that pass and was shaking my head at the end of it...I felt like I reacted to the last yellow worse than the first run, thought I missed my shift points a little, and so forth. On the return road I decided to hot lap it to see how the other lane 3 minutes later:

r/t .578 (finally, something...anything in the 5's)
60' 1.669 (meh...)
594ft 6.732
1/8ET 7.188
1/8MPH 98.61
1/4ET 11.103
1/4MPH 123.39 (That's more like it...Zippy likey )

Then it was time to eat lunch. Hot dogs all the way around...thanks again Mike for the use of your grill and everything...really appreciate that. Long cooldown, more bench racin' and kickin' back, and watching the sweat/salt stains grow on my T shirt.

After lunch Randy and I both wanted to go again, so we lined 'em up for the photo op which was fun.

Dropped the tire pressure again, but truthfully I didn't expect much of anything from that. I felt more comfortable in spite of being drenched with sweat...maybe the tiny bit of pressure from having a fellow Moparts member in the other lane helped a little bit? I got the same lane as the prior run.

r/t .510 ("I still got it!" It just took awhile to find it)
60' 1.637
594ft 6.713
1/8ET 7.17
1/8MPH 98.46
1/4ET 11.09
1/4MPH 123.15 (ZIPPY LIKEY)

I think this pass was best overall for the day although it wasn't the quickest. I reacted the way I wanted, hit my shift points the way I wanted...I drove it the best. Last night I changed the shift light from 6400 to 6200, thinking maybe I'd react to it slower, which turned out to be that little change helped me get the hang of it again sooner.

I'd probably lost a quart of perspiration by then, and had enough, so I quit while I was ahead. Watched/helped Randy change a carburetor and make a solo pass, loaded tools/safety stuff/etc back into the GTX and drove it back home.

I'm really pleased I finally got the car out again, and don't have a problem with 11.0 at 123 under those conditions....especially driven to the track, and driven back home afterward.

Like always, there's more in it!

Good times ahead for sure

Thanks for reading...

Rich H.

Esse Quam Videri