
I use a 160 stat and I run from 170 to about 185 on the highway on very hot day. What I did not like was stuck in traffic it would creep up to 200 and I dont have a shroud right now. So I decided to try this electic fan along with my stock fan and it did the trick. I have it on a toggle switch and I only turn it on when stuck in traffic and it brings it right back down to 180. Ron

I had the same problem with my 64 300. Once I found a shroud the problem was fixed. Finding the shroud was fun, ended up putting a radiator from a 69 Imperial in and a bud of mine happened to see the shroud hanging on the wall of some boneard he was visiting and called me. Heck of an eye to see that.

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They say there is always the exception that proves the rule.
Don't be the exception.