
WOW, I really appreciate your responses. I am very serious about my drumming but sometimes I think at 48 years old that it`s a pipe dream even though I`ve had songs on the radio and filled rooms all over the place. I`m really interested in joining a TEAM and doing the car thing and making drumming second for now as much as I hate to. I hear ya blue stocker and beleive me it`s tough to think that the reality is that music may be more of a hobby than a career but I`m at a crossroads and the time has come to make a serious decision about my future. Time will tell..........thankxx again......Da thump...

Your frustration spurs from trying to make it a career when it's something you just love to do.
Dont confuse the two. When it becomes work, it adds all kinds of unnecessary pressures on top of it that make it hell, and in the end unenjoyable.

I went through it all. Went to music school, spent tens of thousands on equipment etc...and then realized there was nothing wrong with continuing to do it myself, but to instead not try making it a career. Besides, I hate people, so I cannot work with a band. I did a few things in restaurants and clubs solo and liked that, but it wasnt for the money. It was for me.

I now come home from work, and I play guitar by myself and enjoy it. Then I go back to work the next day, at a day job.

I've been enjoying guitar like this now for 25 years and with no pressures, not having to work with other people, and not having to get payed doing it, I find I like it a lot better.

I think your idea of just getting another job is a good one. being good, great, or even a master doesnt guarantee and income from it. Some of the best musicians merely post their music on youtube and that's the full extent of it. I like that much better!