


just another of there many STUPID rules
sorry but in my opinion NHRA doesn't have a clue!

how many live would have been lost if top fuel used the safety rules from the 60's running the speeds of the 01's?
a locking dip stick may not save your life someday but it may save someone's and that would make this all worth it.

i think NHRA does have a clue!

people are stupid some times, i'm not saying that you are and your car may never miss a beat even with out the locking dipstick, think about the person next to you going down the track. is he stupid? will this rule stop his car from puking trans fluid under his rear tires and stop him from darting across the lane into you!
just my

So you plug the tube.... are you putting a catch can
on the vent.... its not mandatory.... do you have
one now... just asking

yup i have a catch can and i know some ah racers have them also.