

...One guy told me he wasn't going to run a "baby" carburetor on a 302 and was intent on running one of our 750's which flows over 900 cfm.

He probably bought a 750 off ebay, and then complained that he couldn't tune it too. You just can't talk sense into some guys.

A friend of mine was having issues with his 750 speed demon, because his combo was better suited for a double pumper, and his duration was almost where he needed a mighty demon. car was a high 12 low 13 second B body.

A local shop told him an 850 speed demon they could make him a deal on, may help the problem he had. The friend of mine was ready to go for it, even though I was showing him how my car with more duration, and faster than his, only needed a 750, but a mighty, instead of speed.

He did finally buy a mighty, and it treated him well.

The size thing does get to be quite a debate. The 440 in my winni, has a 625 road demon on it. Good power, and my peak economy was 10 mp cdn g(8mp usg) towing the car over mountain passes which I thought was pretty good.

Yeah some of these guys amaze me and I really don't understand why they waste their time to call us.

Yesterday we had a guy with a 650 Speed that should have had a 575 Mighty. He called me 3 times and called one of my guys 2 times so 5 times only to get told the same thing over and over. Finally on his 6th time calling in he got one of the guys and asked him what the "575 jetting" was because I told told him he needed a 575 so he was going to rejet what he had.

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