
I like them. Have run on apps from my race car to my motor home.

Besides the shavings etc.. they are decent.

Important to know that BG carbs flow a little more than a holley with the same number.
Also, that the different series of them(road, speed, mighty, race, etc) are set up to respond to different camshaft durations.

I have seen lot's of posts on here in the past where there have been size and series mismatch. The results are not good.

ie... I remember a guy with a 383 with a pretty agressive cam. around 250 @ 50 duration.

He was running an 850 speed demon on it, and couldn't get it to idle.

In that situation, a 750 mighty demon would have been the correct carb. The 850 is too big, and the speed series is for smaller cam's so tuning it right was virtually impossible.

Don't buy the wrong series of carb, no matter how good of a deal it is, UNLESS going the otherway(running a mighty, where you should be using a speed)

IIRC the series are broken down like this.
Road demon-stock replacement, speed demon- up to 240 @ 50 duration, mighty demon 240- 260 @ 50, race demon - above that.

That sums up a lot of what we see. Guys want to run too big of a carburetor and then blame us when it doesn't work.

We have had guys call in for recommendations and then call back trying to get something different recommended and even 4 or 5 times only to get the same. One guy told me he wasn't going to run a "baby" carburetor on a 302 and was intent on running one of our 750's which flows over 900 cfm.

I have even had them call back and say "the other guy" recommended so and so thinking they have someone else but thats the nice thing about caller id's . I have even had them call and change the combination to see if we would recommend soemthing else.

In regards to the shavings, that deal was several years ago and we came on many of the forums when it was brought to our attention and admitted it as well as made numerous changes to correct it.

Now I understand there is at least one other manufacturer experiencing the same currently.

Technical Support Barry Grant, Inc. www.barrygrant.com