

i can tell that on my setup a 70 tooth lower and 58 tooth upper "should" make right around 15lbs (it will vary obviously) what ud % is i have no idea how all that works out

well with the internal gearing of the charger what is the max rpm?[OD for the charger for your rpm]

the ratio is 5.4:1 and is rated to spin 65,000 rpm (impeller speed) F-2 procharger


Not from my experience with a Roots. When I owned my Duster, I could be cruising down the road at 2,500 rpm, stomp the pedal and get max boost, instantly. Same thing from a dead stop and nailing it. A Roots doesn't need rpm to make boost, it needs those throttle blades opened up.

a procharger works the same way, when the throttle blades open the bypass valve closes