

Instant throttle response, and low-mid range torque though.

Procharger is down on boost at low-mid range, but a loose converter can usually overcome most of it.

Low end torque like you've never felt in your life.

Limited low-mid range boost (which can be a good thing in a small tire car)

so you think that a roots style blower comes off idle with maximum boost? Its the same concept a procharger uses, the faster it spins the more air that it passes which in turn creates more boost. I take it you have never riden in a procharged car? I will let you all argue amongst with "all your roots/procharger knowledge" but at the end of the day boost=force fed (there all the same) different strokes for different folks.

ok maybe you could answer a q.i am at 10% UD with 12 lbs and can got to 30% maybe making 20lbs how does that cpmpare to the procharger %'s? if you can see what i am getting at.