Here's a look at the ratty engine bay -

Trusty but not especially powerful 318. I'll get the carb back on shortly.

I'm encouraged by the condition of the interior

There are a several spots where the original paint is bubbling up and/or flaking off -

l fixed a couple spots with POR-15 a few years back. You can see one under the steering column. It seems to be bubbling a little under the POR-15, which is alarming. I painted over it per instructions (black paint, didn't have any blue) to keep the UV's from breaking down the POR-15. It shouldn't ever rust there again. But it looks like it has.

Looks like surface rust again.

The dash is in o.k. condition. I put a dash cap on years ago. I was careful but still got it glued on too well and it split in the middle, on top. Not visible in this pic. I've got an idea how to fix it.

One of the head rests is mostly o.k. This isn't it. I wonder if I could take it to an upholster and have it wrapped in new vinyl? Since I'm not going for the concours restoration.

The previous owner put aftermarket seat covers on instead of having the seats reupholstered properly. I'll probably dye them black and stick with them. I'd like to replace the springs in the back seat first, which are sad and creaky.