
Write person but wrong date called, or you called the wrong number. I was at the beach and got back on 8-1-09 with no message on home answer machine , and I had my cell with me while i was at the beach. Thats why I called on 8-3-09 to see what was going on with the regulator ,and was told that you would contact me when you worked on it. Not Bashing BG , just expect a quicker turn around on rebuilds , and 7 working days seems long , do you guys not race ? How would you like to be down this long waiting for part to go racing ? I didnt bring up the refund you guys did , I just sent my version of the story, Remember i am the CUSTOMER.

7 days is very reasonable and I don't know of many companies that would give you the repair free if it went over that time. Barry had to wait nearly 30 days to get a laptop back and I could go on and on with a list.

Yes we do race but we also keep our parts serviced and also keep spares. You said you had 8 years on the pump with no issues, has it been sent back every 2 years as recommended? The regulator been rebuilt twice in the same time but was it sent back every 2 years? Try going 8 years and not changing the oil and see what happens.Parts wear and break and some level of maintainence should be performed.

Technical Support Barry Grant, Inc. www.barrygrant.com