
Adam I think your a great guy and I have had very good service from my BG-400-2 Pump in the roadster....but, BG IMHO really needs to offer service-kits..if for the only reason is to bandage a part that otherwise might loose a racer a round or god-forbid a championship...not everyone can afford backup systems


I hear what you are saying but for the size company we are there are just too many liabilities involved both in the legal manner and also product function. People think we are the size of Holley which makes us an easy target but in actuality we are prob only about 1/6 the size.
The other issue arises with the fact we have offered a lifetime labor warranty on them for the last 20+ years with the customer only having to pay for parts and shipping while our parts prices in most cases are somewhat less then our competitors of the same style pumps and in some cases by almost half.If we brought our parts prices in line with the others and started charging labor like they do then the repair costs would go up by a good bit and where a guy can now have his 400.00 pump rebuilt for 179.00 and his 220.00 regulator rebuilt for 45.00 we could not make everybody happy with either scenario.

Technical Support Barry Grant, Inc. www.barrygrant.com