
hey TECH, does Barry sell alot of six pack setups that you copied from me?

Barry is a hack thief and so are you

Don't flatter yourself.

Not even on our radar nor was anything copied from you.

So you put 3- 2bbls on top of a tunnel ram, guess what? you're not the first to do it nor have we ever claimed to be.

You forget to mention the intake pictured is also available with a single carb , dual carbs , 3 of the Demon 98's , 4 of the Demon 98's , 6 of the Demon 98's , our inline Badman and yes the same 3 carburetor set up that we have offered for several years on our other Six-Shooter packages.Why not offer it on an intake the WE designed from scratch that has equal length runners.

We took something that the factory offered in the 60's and made it better with more choices, thats what hot rodding is about. We also have Ford versions of the same and will soon have BBC.

On our Six Shooter package for the Mopar we do not even offer an intake since there are so many versions already in the market yet decided to offer a better carburetor and linkage package for those who wanted it.

Technical Support Barry Grant, Inc. www.barrygrant.com