
The way the rules are written, you are supposed to have three lines of lettering. There is a guy in our group (Dave Stubbs) that runs a champaign colored '62 Dodge (beautifully restored car). He didn't want to letter it, but used magnets instead. I am working on a rusto N/SS '64 convertible. It is a black car (go figure). In order to see what the lettering would look like, I used liquid wax and a paint brush to put the class designation and name on the car. Noone said the lettering has to be permanent. Look in the old books and magazines. There were plenty of cars with shoe polish lettering on them. When you're done, wipe it off. In order to make it look straight, I taped and measured it off so all the letters are the same size and in the same line. I'll PM you some pictures because the size of the pix are too large for on here. Tommy