Thanks guys. Last night I soaked down the busted cylinder and the other stuck plug that I was afraid was going to break but didn't. After a couple hours the stuck plug came loose so now I just have the busted one stuck in there. Last night I got the easy out started and it seemed to move some but wanted to stop after a bit so I left it and kept spraying it down. I gave it a tug this morning and it still didn't want to move (that's what she said!). Patience is not a virtue of mine so I’m using great self restraint by not forcing it too much or setting the damn car on fire. After work I will go home and try again and soak it some more and pray. I don’t care if it takes a few days to loosen up so I’m gong to try really hard to be patient with it so I don’t make things worse.

By the way, would giving the easy out a little downward “whack” with a hammer possibly help loosen the threads or will that just mess up the threads?