
That sign is curiously the same color as blueberries...


Oh, and I am back...and have to go back there again Monday.

I guess my asking the guy yesterday if all the info was there he needed in the forms for this odd type of export I don't normally do..was all there, he not saying what else I needed was just so he could tell me today, and waste yet more time.

Oh, and I had got there at 10:30 this morning, only to be told they don't have the stuff ready until 12:00 (which he didn't tell me yesterday when he said to come back in the "morning" then I get back there at Noon, only to see a sign saying they are closed for lunch. Nice of him to tell me noon...so had to wait around till they got back only to find out about the other info needed.

I don't get mad much, but the way the whole place is run really wears on your nerves.

(And worst still...you really can't complain to anyone...)

Last edited by OzHemi; 07/27/12 05:26 PM.