as i said before, i have been building and painting my own engines since 1983 (was i ever really 17?) and i have only ever had one engine paint job that really really disappointed me, and it was with mopar brand engine orange that i bought from year one (no reflection on year one). that stuff sucked liked a hoover! it didn't cover well, the color was inconsistent from can to can, and it didn't hold up to any of the chemicals that the paint manufacturer knew #@$% well it was gonna be subjected to from the word go! i just wanted to try to find something more durable this time around. it wasn't a big deal back in my street romping days when i blew the head gaskets outta my 340 twice a year, but i'm too old for that crap nowadays. i'm hoping this engine build will last for several years to come before i have to turn bolts on it again....and by the way, i do have what's necessary to do the job without spray bombs, so i'm gonna give it whirl!