I got a 20:1 gear box from steer and gear a while back and I'm happy with it in my car. I have a stock steering wheel. Its a little stif parallel parking but besides that its fine. You don't have to do manual labor have a manual gear box but you can't be a cream puff either. My car is a bit lighter up front but I have wider tires so its sort of a wash. I had a 24:1 box before and would never go back. My buddy has a 16:1 box and its a bear to make a tight turn, then again its not a street car so who cares.

There is lots of room under the hood and a significant weight reduction going to manual. IMO it looks cleaner under the hood.

I still have my power steering and when I'm 75 I'll switch to the firm feel box but for now manual all the way, brakes and steering!