No I moved in 97....the year they FINALLY paved the dang return road. Payed into that "pavement fund for six years and never saw it happen.

...word I got on the end of the track incident was that the rod that goes to the master cylinder came dislodged and then bent. Guess the guy went into the rail on the topside to scrub some speed, but ended up hitting the pea gravel trap (which hasn't been tilled up since...???? full of weeds, etc..). Guess they do have some water barrels beyond that because I guess he hit those and sent a spray of water up in the air before he dropped off into the great unknown (maybe the world is flat!). Tower didn't know that he went into the "abyss", but did see the water and thought that he blew a hose or something so they shutdown the track to look for coolant and found a totalled race car and a shaken bruised racer. At least the driver "walked away".