Originally Posted by pittsburghracer

Aren’t Edelbrock heads basically a stock head copy with a few improvements. Patents protect a product for X amount of years then companies are allowed the copy them and make improvements. TV’s for example if they weren’t allowed they be copied and improved we would still be watching RCA black and white TV with rabbit ears. Or driving early model Fords. Be careful what you wish for.

All well and good. I think the issue people get upset about is blatant copying of an item (MSD ignitions, Holley carbs and fuel pumps, by Proform and others for one) while making them inferior in quality to achieve the stupid low price point. They are attempting to fool people into thinking they are getting a smoking deal on the real McCoy.

Obviously, outright counterfeiting with name brands and packaging being copied are not good.

The real danger is people tearing up good parts, wrecking cars and getting hurt because of this trash. So it's not just being butthurt over someone making a better mouse trap.

If the results don't match the theory, change the theory.