Originally Posted by cudaman1969
Originally Posted by Sniper
Originally Posted by cudaman1969
My 35 year old 110 electric Makita is ALL I’ve ever used, never once has a nut backed off (a little red loctite helps too)

Beautiful, except the OP was asking how you hold the yoke when you are torquing the pinion nut. I hope you aren't using that same Makita for that.

I use my hand to hold the yoke, take a hammer and hit a nail hard, the nail drives into the wood, now a slow tap on the nail, no move. The Makita works on same principal as the fast swinging hammer! It’s called FORCE, kinetic energy

I had to read this twice at first I thought he drove in nails with his bear hands laugh2

But I have done what he's saying not all the time but have done it. Like loose ones in late 90's Rams.