I am in a conundrum about rear axle bearings. The "Green" bearings are an attractive option but there seems to be no consensus on if they are a good choice or a bad choice. I also note that there is no like/dislike with the Green bearings, mostly love/hate. So, back to the tapered Timkens. What grease would you all recommend for those bearings. The recommendation in the FSM is decades old and technology marches on.

Cost is NO object, I only want to do this once in the few shopping days I have left on this earth. I've looked for recommendations on the internet but it seems that whereas everybody is recommending synthetics, there is the Royal Purple camp, the Amszoil camp, the Lucas camp, on and on.

So what are your thoughts? Thanks in advance.

"We live in a time when intelligent people are being silenced so that stupid people won't be offended".