Originally Posted by IMGTX
Do you think it's because of people skipping out on insurance they used to buy, more people making claims to "get free money" wink wink nudge nudge, or gov regulations hurting profits, or ???

No, we're building back better 🤪
i believe this started with the PG&E fires amongst others in the Golden State and Florida. The insurers all claim to be losing money but what about all the years they made money? Why should I be bent over because of their losses elsewhere.
I was with American family for 25+ years. probably less than 10 claims on 8 or more polices during that entire time. 1 5K claim for a dishwasher that took out the kitchen floor and the rate jumps 35%. Ok So I shop around and wind up with nationwide. All is well until renewal time. 82% jump on the home policy for no reason other than "we lost money" WHAAA that happens in business. So I shop around again and find out it's with all companies. Are our elected officials doing anything ? yes, collecting more graft likely.
So they pulled it off in Ca. doubling rates while dropping fire coverage which equaled tripling rates and got away with it. Hmm it worked there so lets do it across the country. Hmm Worked again, now lets go after the car insurance. it all sounds like an Enron deal to me. BTW, it's not just the insurance companies that are running amuck LINKY twocents
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