Yesterday I get a call from a real live person at the FedEx hub in Bismarck. She inquires about my shipment, says it is at the hub, and the paperwork is somewhat confusing, what do I want them to do? The shipment is two metal shelves that weigh 150# each and are 6' long. I thank her for calling and tell her that if the delivery driver could call me just before he delivers, we could load the shipment from the FedEx truck to my pickup and save everyone's back. She said no problem, she'll leave a note for the driver. Well, I get up this morning, check my emails and lo and behold, there is one from FedEx that my packages were already delivered. confused So I look outside and sure enough, FedEx already dropped them off AND leaned them up against the garage door. So if I hadn't checked and opened the door, the packages would have fallen in and take out the rear window in Momma's Subaru.

Just when you think there is a ray of hope...........

"We live in a time when intelligent people are being silenced so that stupid people won't be offended".