Originally Posted by larrymopar360
Is it just FedEx or shippers in general because IMO the newer upcoming workforce has so much less work ethic. I have packages from UPS also that look like someone played soccer with them. It just seems to be a deterioration of Customer Service and concern for doing a good job.

Worked at UPS years ago loading/unloading trailers, also some sorting.
Conveyor belts "couldn't" stop only in emergency, so jammed boxes got kicked/punched/etc to free up jams.
Amazing what would come down belts: bolts/candy/etc from broken boxes.
Large heavy boxes would crush smaller fragile boxes.
Torn stuff was tossed below belts for later cleanup.
A single jam someplace would "freeze up" many stations.
When the Shift started, sorting/loading, they didn't want it stopped until trucks loaded or unloaded.
Only saw what happened on my shift & they were active 24/7.