Originally Posted by poorboy
There you all go, a marketing plan to get rich and corner a market.

Invest the millions of dollars to develop, design and build a manufacturing company to make wonderful replacement windshield gaskets for 73-93 Dodge trucks. Then all you need to do is hire a hundred or so dedicated employees that show up to work every day and actually produce products of high quality.

Then once you get the corner on the market for those windshield gaskets, which shouldn't take long, I'm sure countless other items will be on your client wish list your company can design, manufacture and market. You can be the King in the Mopar restoration service supply lines.

Good luck!

HA! Or the guys that tell me all the time, "if you make this widget you'll sell a million". I tell them YOU make it and I'll buy from you. Crickets smile

A local guy came in with a mid 70's truck he had restored. Said his windshield guy, a guy that just does muscle car era stuff (not Jake from State Farm squirting urethane from a tube), said it fit great. How can that be? Maybe he has a rare truck? I just looked, I've sold nearly 3000 and bet I've only had a couple complaints. Maybe there are 2900 people that accepterd a poor fit BUT TRUST ME, if someones 5yo daughter can't figure it out, THEY CALL. So no news is good news.

It's the same with 66-70 B body 2DHT windshield seal. I've probably sold 10,000. Over the course of those 10,000 sales people have told me the other brands they purchased that didn't work but the PRP does.

Lastly, you have to ask if the company you are buying from makes the product or is reselling. I do. There are a few companies that double the price (or more) on a product and resell it. I bought an early A body convertible windshield seal from one scammer just to verify. It was just the std non convertible seal but at 2.5X the price! The ONLY difference between the 2 is not the fit but a 3/8" "lip" along the top that covers a gap. A local guy showed me and said if you don't point it out, no one will know. A convertible seal IS NOT being reproduced for earl A bodies.