Originally Posted by not_a_charger
No. It's just a different type of coverage. The consumer chooses who to have for insurance and what coverage they want. Sadly, a lot of consumers are ill informed and think they are buying one thing, but really getting something different.

Stated Amount = you tell the insurance company what you think the car is worth. They insure it for the LESSER of that amount or the Actual Cash Value. This is disclosed in the policy, which most people don't read. This coverage also has no additional exclusions/restrictions like a collector car policy would. It also costs more because the exposure is greater due to the lack of restrictions. This coverage is a good fit if you drive you classic regularly. The best way to utilize this coverage is to pay for a professional appraisal prior to insuring the car so that you can support your Stated Amount should something happen. The vast majority of carriers will offer Stated Amount coverage.

Agreed Value = you and the insurer agree that the car is worth this amount. If it's totaled, you get that amount, period. This coverage typically has lots of exclusions/restrictions and costs less than a Stated Amount policy. Only some carriers provide Agreed Value coverage.

Lots of people use these terms interchangeably. They are not at all interchangeable. There are advantages to both, but if you go with a carrier that offers Stated Amount, you have to do a little bit of work in order to ensure you're properly covered if the vehicle is totaled.

Thanks for explaining the difference in the two policies.

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