Originally Posted by 3hundred
I wouldn't do it on a bet. The right buyer hasn't come along yet. The right buyer will appreciate it for what it is or will have the ability and resources to build what they really want.

How much more $$$ are you going to have to spend to convert to V8 ?? Will value of car go up that much, or more ?!?!? . . . With cost of FUEL these days, and what will happen into the future on that, 6cylinder cars will come into their own . . . not best time of year to sell car, in middle of winter (especially for those of us living in snowbelt area's) . . .

Can either hold out based on what $$ you want, or lower price and get sold sooner. . . unless you absolutely HAVE TO sell the car, I would probably hold on til you get right buyer for car, as it is.

Just my two cents . . .