Originally Posted by mattsmopars
Originally Posted by dragon slayer
I have been told by some old timers and have actually met some one who stamped blocks to match car vins; that even casting date could be changed. Looking at that 67 block the casting date is raised almost as if on a pad compared to many of the other examples. Almost looks like a welding across the top. I am no hemi casting expert but it does look different and someone did have it repaired at one point. confused

I see no major issue with the casting date area , to modify that area and it to still look as cast would be very difficult to do. I am sure blocks have been modified, I have seen several poor attempts at stamping vins to match cars, and most really are obvious. That said could someone modify one, I am sure that could be done, but might be harder to cover up with no paint on the block. I mentioned in the original post on the block that I thought it was more of an exception considering that the idea was they were supposed to have not cast any blocks in 67. I have looked at a ton of hemi blocks over the years either in person or online, and i can say i have never seen another block cast in 67. Before this I would have said the last batch of 66 blocks were cast on 10-31-66 and the next batch of hemi blocks were done on 1-15-68.

I would think the exact say way. From what I have seen since lets say early 70s when none of this was very important it now has changed because of people doing fraulent stuff. From them doing this WE meaning the Hobby has taken time to look at things and to come up with the normal stuff at or from Chrysler. With this block and with who the picture came from I would have to believe it Greg says it is real it likely is a 1967 cast Hemi. Take a look at his Web site and it is full of Chryslr race stuff information and this is what he has dealt with over the years. I myself have sent he a lot of pictures of stuff I got of Arlen and bought from others that I had no clue how to tell any dates from it. He decoded my 1965 Hemi block and he was so interested in adding this information to what he has amassed. He also loved the pictures of my super early 1963/4 early production Hemi heads, sent him 64 and 65 pictures of Hemi Flywheels. Getting back the 1965 block, I think Chrysler might of cast these as a special build for these A Body Race Cars. They were a latter build in the 1968 so if they were not completely hand built should of got a serial number on them but these motors might of been hand built. There are others that are not on this board that might be able to add information about the blocks and I only see them a the Drag Strip and even then they are not the show car typle they are the go mid to low 8s type.Need to keep post now and then on this post and keep it present every now and then.