Unless the crack was large enough to see through, I would consider it secondary. I had a 2" long crack in #5 that was misdiagnosed as bad head gasket causing overheating. The cylinder wall was rusted/pitted from it being that way so long. I would push out a gallon of water, but it still finished Rocky Mountain Race Week with frequent refills.

Think about it. Your chambers are about 80 CC. 30cc = 1oz. Per the calculators, -30cc's would take my combo from 9.5:1 to 12.5:1. -60cc is 18.4:1. -90cc (3 oz!!!) is 36:1 You would need about 2.5-3 oz. to get into hydraulic lock. Is the crack bad enough to be passing 2-3 oz. of water each cycle?

11.33 @ 118.46 on motor
10.75 @ 125.35 w/ a little spray
Now, high Speed Open Road Racing - Silver State Classic Challenge, Nevada Open Road Challenge, Big Bend Open Road Race
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