Originally Posted by lilcuda

I have a co-worker that had one at 40. You need to know your risk factors. Blood pressure is the big one. It is the silent killer. You can have very high BP with no symptoms. Get up off the couch and walk once you are able. It doesn't matter how far you can walk at the beginning. Start with a short walk, then every week make it a little longer. Do it every day. My BP is way down now that I have been walking regularly. Good luck!

How many remember the commercials form the 60-70's that stated the above bolded statement?

My father died at 36 in 1960 from a heart attack. My brother who had not been to aDr. in probably 20+ years was rewarded with a SEVERE stroke at age 60. Pay attention to you're body, what it's telling you and see your Dr. at least once a year.
5 years ago I noticed i was having more and more difficulty breathing when exerting myself. When I had to stop while walking through Costco I made an appt. I had been seeing my Dr's on a regular basis, had 4 or so stents but kept smoking and hammering down the beers daily.
2days after the Appt. they went in to do another stent. Not so lucky this time blush It was Bypass time. 2 days later I went in on a priority basis. Things went sideways and I was intubated & IV'd with Propofol and Fentanyl for over 4 weeks. Another week in a long term care facility that fortunately became short term. 3 weeks of rehab and I was able to come home. Another 12-14 months shaking the side effects of the Propofol and Fentanyl and I was left with tremors that have rescinded but not completely.
Haven't had anything but Water, tea and milk liquid wise nor have I had a cigarette since.
Sorry for the length of this but hopefully it may help someone avoid the consequences of not seeing a Dr. regularly spank