Just thought I’d reach out to the guys I trust for advice about a lot!
Not such a good day last Monday.
Woke up, was ok for about 10 minutes then everything was spinning, could hardly stand, my wife called 911.
EMT’s Hauled me in, Doctors confirmed I had a stroke.
Speech was slurred, much better now. Gained strength back in my left side, they sent me home Thursday.
Lots of PT and appointments with the cardiologist and neurologist.
The only thing I have remaining is a bit of light headedness and a very slight balance issue.
Has anyone on here been through this?
Definitely an eye opener for me. Not that I drink and smoke everyday, I really don’t - just an occasional beer and a cigar.
Diet will change and shed some lbs……..not easy after hip replacements and everything always hurts.
I hate it, but won’t be at Belvidere this year. First year missed since…..I can’t remember?
Just a reminder to take care of yourselves everyone….this thing called life if pretty precious.
