Originally Posted by Stanton
Retired lawyer ... can't be hurting for $$$. Keep in mind that you'll never see this guy again.

a) you have till the end of the week then you're out
b) rent a car
c) hire movers and have everything taken to The Salvation Army (charity don't usually pick up)

Renting a storage unit is just throwing good money after bad. As you see on many reality shows, the contents are rarely worth the rent owing !!

I can attest to that statement. Last summer had to clean out my uncles storage in Wisconsin of his "Valuables" that he had stored for 20+ years. After paying his ginormous, late storage fees, we managed to donate to a charity and get a $300 tax write-off after burning 3 days of time and driving 8 hours both ways. TOTAL waste of time.

Never, ever argue with an IDIOT. They will drag you to their level and then beat you with their years of experience