Originally Posted by Cometstorm

#1One of my mottos has always been “Failure to plan on your part, does not constitute an emergency on my part.”
#2But it looks like we have a problem… confused

#3He is VERY snippy and prone to outbursts of numerous sorts. (I can understand, but often and unprovoked gets very hard.

To top it off, wife and I are set for a long Florida Keys trip in a couple weeks.

#1 Your motto is 100% correct.
#2 You do not have a problem YET But may have soon if you do not act. You have a choice whether you ALLOW his mismanagement of his affairs to become your problem.
#3 Could be a sign of mental issues or a reaction to whatever cancer drugs he is taking

One of my motto's is "Lesson's paid for are best remembered"
It is good to help people but bad to ALLOW them to take advantage of you. At 67 years old (now 68) I finally figured that out. It cost me a lot of time AND $$$. One of them was a close blood relative. (APPLY my motto here) frown
Do you think he helped his clients without charging them as you are doing? Likely not whistling
I would say we agreed to help you for one night. that time has passed.
I do not want to get involved in your personal life or affairs.
I would ask him if he has a preference as to which transportation company you call for him.
I would also ask him if he would like you to call his son(s) to come and assist him with HIS problems
After all they will be the beneficiaries not you.
What are the chances you will ever be in contact with him again?
The sooner you act on this the better off you will be.

It does sound to me as though he is losing some mental competency. That is not for you or your wife to get involved with as you may wind up getting sued.

Go to Florida and enjoy yourselves twocents

Learn who to help and realize when you're being set up/ taken advantage of.
QUESTION:. Does the man even have sons in calif. ?