I don't have ANY advice but the motto I live by is "NO GOOD DEED GOES UNPUINISHED"

PS We may be headed to the Key West too. Where are you guys headed? Friend spent AN ENORMOUS amount of $ to buy a house down there and offered it to us.

Originally Posted by Cometstorm

Wife and I are mid sixties. She has a long time male church friend, who has a number of health issues… among them advanced lung cancer and poop issues. He IS ambulatory at this point.

We are in eastern Missouri and live about twenty miles apart. He’s been planning for close to a year to relocate to California to be near his sons. Wife has been trying to help him out with this n that.

Anyway, fast forward to a couple nights ago.. I agreed that he could stay here the night before his flight to California.

Well, the details are too long to list. Suffice it to say everything fell apart brick by brick.

His planning (house sale, selling of numerous belongings, yada yada) all broke down. His car is (mid 2000’s Mercedes) is all but shot. No drivers license, but he has asked to use one of our cars.

The closing out on his house was two nights ago, but lots of stuff still there.

A flipper is buying it as opposed to a direct move in, so a hard push hasn’t happened (yet).

This guy is a retired lawyer, for what it’s worth.

He is VERY snippy and prone to outbursts of numerous sorts. (I can understand, but often and unprovoked gets very hard.

To top it off, wife and I are set for a long Florida Keys trip in a couple weeks.

Don’t know what we’re gonna do.

One of my mottos has always been “Failure to plan on your part, does not constitute an emergency on my part.”

But it looks like we have a problem… confused

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