I look at it as three different styles or tastes. 1. Stock, naturally you know what that is. 2. Appropriately Day-2, with 14" or 15" period style wheels, Torque Thrust, Slots, Keystone, Chrome steel, Crager SS, etc., 3, Resto-Mod look, with low profile tires 55, 45, 40 series sidewall, and 17" or larger rims. I'm a Day-2 Old School DUDE because I bought my first Mopar in 1969 and not within the last 15 or 20 years, I ordered my '69 Road Runner in late March of '69 and got wheel covers knowing I was going to order "mag" wheels as soon as I burned off the redline bias rear tires, which didn't take long with 3.91 Suregrip, street races and trips to the track PID and Keystone Raceway. I grew old and set in my ways and never really liked most of the Resto-Mod looks (yes maybe a few) but it really got old when every "bitchin" type TV show's first order of customizing was to add big freaking low sidewall tires and wheels. EVERYONE OF THEM. I'll take a Day-2 look over anything for a '60's early '70's muscle car or even a non-performance car or truck of that era any day.....2. I'm not going with low profile tires on my Day-2 GTX just wouldn't look right to me, seems there are a few other OLD DUDES here that feel the same. Oh and BTW I hate that OLD SoCal word DUDE it's SoDated SoDude please don't call me DUDE laugh2 punkrocka

(I think this is really a GREEN MOPAR thread in disguise.....I like GREEN MOPARS too grin)
