Hi everyone,

79' Dodge B300 5.9L 360 V8

I'm swapping the valve covers and the manuals aren't very clear for my particular engine...
The Haynes Manual specifies the torque for covers with nuts and studs but I have bolts...
Right now I have them at 40inch lbs...

The Chilton guide doesn't say anything about 'valve covers' but it does mention the "rocker arm covers" so I'm assuming that's the same thing, never heard them referred to as rocker arm covers... This book does mention bolts as well as the nuts and studs...

Here's pictures out of both guides...

I'm leaning towards the 40inch lbs mentioned in the Chilton Manual and I'm only putting rtv on the cover side of the gaskets...

So what would be the correct specs for my application?? Thanks!
