They are not computers they are dumb boxes that are programmed by computers. Will only do what you tell it to, hopefully. Now a grid has some capabilities to read and interpret data to make live changes. That portion(ARC module) of that system is not allowed to be used in any bracket or index racing in NHRA. There is also a programmable digital 7 (75301, that incorporates a slew rate that has not been sold in years that is not legal as it has a slew rate incorporated. Both boxes can be tested at the track and will tell the officials if any illegal functions are being used.

FWIW we have a Grid in all of our cars. They are great and can log ignition events with out buying anything else. Having said that they can and do have gremlins like most anything else can and will. Knock on wood we have not had one fail that we did not cause

"I am not ashamed to confess I am ignorant of what I do not know."

"It's never wrong to do the right thing"