A handful of years ago I was down to 6 cars left in my class. My opponent and I stage and as the tree is coming down I feel my brake pedal go soft. We both leave and he drops it red. After a spit I'm like was I crazy that my pedal felt soft, so I let out of it and push the brake pedal and it's definitely not right. I coast the rest of the way down the track and continue to pump the brakes coming up the return road, some pumps it feels meh others go straight to the floor. I make it back to the staging lanes (We are round robin at this point) and we evaluate the car. Nothing is broke/leaking the master cylinder just took a crap. 3 cars left at this point and I get the bye. I sit the bye out and just stage the car in the final hoping they would go red, but they didn't. Could've been a whole lot worse, if I'd felt that pedal go soft 12 seconds later they'd be pulling me out of the sand trap at minimum.