2013 Jegs Sportsnationals round 4. We had stopped racing due to a dust/wind/rain storm. After a couple of hours there was a drivers meeting in which we decided to finish the race that day after cleanup and track prep. I have some pretty bad allergy issues and the dust and wind kicked up everything the desert had to offer. Any I roll up with my round 4 opponent who is a quite accomplished racer. We do the burnout and stage like normal. All the stage bulbs are lit and I get up on the brake, just then I had a sneeze come up out of nowhere. Look up and the light is green, D'oh!. I let go and proceed to just make a lap for data purposes. Low and behold my opponent just keeps trucking, takes maybe three bus lengths at the stripe and breaks out by .002. Now this is a guy with along track record and many many Wallys and Championships under his belt. Morale of the story s someties it pays to be an ok racer with a faster car. He said he kept looking in the mirror waiting for me to make my move(car usually made a hard charge at 1000' mark)and before he knew it it was to late to do anything about it. So my .179 light and 11.053 to his .004 and 11.048 was good enough for the win. Morale of the story its much easier to win with a bad green light than a red one smile

"I am not ashamed to confess I am ignorant of what I do not know."

"It's never wrong to do the right thing"