Chrysler quit using windage trays long before the magnums were thought of. Why? Probably had more to do with money than effectiveness but I am guessing.

Oil control is an area of a lot of aftermarket guesswork. Deep sump doesn't do diddly if your oil return path includes having to go past the crank to get there.

Gale Banks did some research into diff covers and how they affect lubrication that I seriously doubt anyone did similar with engine oil control.

Now imagine your crank winging around, the return oil dropping down and getting spun up by the crank. Deep sump? lol, no help. Crank scraper, maybe. Windage tray too close?? How did he come to that conclusion?
Baffles are generally there to keep oil around the pickup, not off the crank.

So when I see some engine oil control "guru" post up a video showing the research he did, similar to the Banks video, I might consider his thoughts. Till then it's just guesswork.