Originally Posted by 10secGTX
What do you recommend Not A Charger.... Hagerty or an another insurance company.

3 things you're looking for when shopping for insurance: Price, service, and coverage.

The collector companies all offer good service. They have to. It's a very small market. They can't afford to provide bad service. They can't absorb a loss of customers like a large insurer can. With only occasional exceptions (which happen with any business), I've heard about/experienced good service from all of the collector car companies.

Coverage, to me, is the #1 factor to consider when it comes to insuring a collector vehicle. Ensuring you have Agreed Value coverage, and finding out about coverage exclusions such as commuting, modifications to the vehicle, and who can drive it are of the utmost importance. Not every company is the same in this regard. Find one that fits your needs. Call them and ask specific questions, and document date/time/name of person you spoke to. Get it in writing.

Price should only come into play if you are satisfied with the level of service you expect to receive, and you have confirmed that there is applicable coverage for your intended use. If both of those are true, then choose based upon price. But never, ever sacrifice coverage for price, and don't sacrifice service for price, either. I will admit to violating the latter, as I have MetLife. Their claims service is horrible, and I would never recommend them. However, they were so much cheaper than any other quotes I've gotten, I've gone with them. I am able to handle their terrible service because of my insurance claims experience and background. If I didn't have 25+ years of claims experience, I would never have gone with them. Ultimately, the claims we've had with them have been paid properly, but I've had to put in some work to make it happen.

Earning every penny of that moderator paycheck.