I have too many tools to space so neatly without 20 tool boxes.

I break then down to Screwdriver drawer, Pliers, Vise Grips, Metric Wrenches,Etc. then several drawers of specialty tools. Clamps, pullers, trim tools, etc. There are some drawers with organizers but not many.

I have enough tools to fill a whole 1 car garage wall to wall. Some would say I have to many tools I say I always need 1 more. LOL

My method of on the job organization is several steps.

1. I make a mental note of every tool I use and count it back in place before the job is done and released. (I do have a place for each tool even if loose in a specific drawer)
2. When I drop a tool I do not wait to get it later. I go on a hunt and retrieve it immediately. (Most tools are lost when people say I'll get it later and then forget about it.)
3. If the job takes over night I put all my tools I am using in a metal tray so they are ready for the next day. Counted and accounted for when I do it.
4. When I have multiple cars to be done all tools are put up and accounted for before I move to the next.
5. If the job is long, I will retrieve and count all tools every 2 or 3 hours to keep my focus on what tools are being used.
6. Whenever possible I prefer not to lay tools on the cowl or fender. I prefer to use a tool tray and NEVER LAY TOOLS ON A BATTERY. (Obvious Safety concerns)
7. The above rules don't change if I am working in a junkyard or a shop.

Has worked out pretty good for me.

Now I just have to retrieve my tools from the neighborhood kids who borrow them periodically.