My last three car purchases were foreign. First was the BMW 330Ci convertible to replace the 2002 Sebring Limited convertible. We only sold the BMW because I couldn't see driving it a few hundred miles a week. The BMW did several things really good. It was just about as quick as the 340 GTS convertible AND got 27 mpg on the highway. Outhandled every car I've ever owned except the Miata (they were comparable).

We replaced the BMW with a 2020 Hyundai Elantra ECO (not a hybrid). Criteria was simple, 40+ mpg on the highway and heated seats (keeps my back loose - I'll have the seats on with the AC running). AND, we got a smokin' deal on the car ($5,500 below sticker).

I want to replace the 2000 Durango with a new one. Might happen at the end of the year. In that case I really don't see anything else on the market that is really comparable.